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  • 网站链接:med.****.edu.cn
  • 收录日期:2020-07-10 12:12:14
  • 所属地区: 湖南
  • 更新日期:2024-05-27 11:33:14
  • 网站分类:医科大学
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  • 湖南师范大学医学院



  学院办学历史悠久,可溯源到1911年美国Edward Hicks Hume博士创建的雅礼护病学校。学院成立于2002年3月,由湖南医学高等专科学校合并组建而来,设有临床医学、预防医学、医学检验学、护理学、药学、基础医学等六个系和一个医药学实验管理中心。现已形成本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后、留学生多层次的医学人才培养体系。拥有临床医学、药学、医学检验技术、预防医学,护理学等五个本科专业。临床医学、药学专业为湖南省一流本科建设专业;医学检验技术、药学专业为湖南省高校特色专业;临床医学、药学、护理学三个专业为我校一流本科建设专业。生理学、诊断学、医学统计学课程为省级精品课程。临床医学专业通过了教育部专家组认证,有效期为6年。学院是全国首批“卓越医生教育培养计划项目”试点单位,教育部“本科教学工程”大学生校外实践教育基地,入选教育部首批“三全育人”综合改革试点院系。


  学院科研水平显著提升,在干细胞研究、小分子靶向药物创制、医学免疫、媒介生物控制、肿瘤发生发展机制等研究方向达到国际先进水平。近五年来,我院教师在Cell Stem Cell、Nature Chemical Biology、PNAS、Cell Death and Differentiation、Cell Reports等国际权威期刊发表SCI收录论文100余篇。获得国家自然科学基金项目32项,省部级科研项目69项,科研总经费3,653万元;获批国家专利授权14项,转让成果5项。获得省部级科研奖一等奖一项、二等奖2项、三等奖2项,医学科技奖一等奖1项。临床医学学科连续7年ESI排名进入全球大学和科研机构前1%。学院主办了学术期刊《湖南师范大学学报(医学版)》。






  Introduction on Hunan Normal University School of Medicine

  The School of Medicine is located in the Xianjiahu campus of Hunan Normal University at the north of Yuelu Mountain. It is located at the south to the beautiful West Lake Park and north to theflourishingJinxing Road and commercial area of Tongzipo Road. The campus covers an area of 11.76 acres, and it is a quiet place with complete facilities and wonderful scenery for four seasons.

  This school has a long history, which can be traced back to the Yali Nursery School founded by Dr.Edward HicksHume in 1911. The School of Medicine was established in March 2002, and it was formed by the merger of Hunan Medical College and Hunan Normal University. Currently, it covers six departments, including Clinical Medicine, Public Health and Preventive Medicine,MedicalLaboratoryTechnology, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Basic Medicine, and a Center for Medical Experiments. Our school has multi levels of medical education system for undergraduates, master program, Ph.D. program, post-doctoral program, and international students. There are fivemajorsfor undergraduates, including Clinical Medicine, Pharmacy, MedicalLaboratoryTechnology, Preventive Medicine, and Nursing. Notably, Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy have become the first-class construction programs for undergraduates in Hunan province, while MedicalLaboratoryTechnology and Pharmacy are thecharacteristic specialtiesin the universities of Hunan province. Clinical Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing have been chosen as the first-class construction programs by our school. Physiology, Diagnostics, and Medical Statistics have been selected as the best quality courses of Hunan province. Significantly, our Clinical Medicine has passed the evaluation by the experts from the Ministry of Education of China, and a certification valid for 6 years has been offered.Our school has been selected as the first ‘Excellent Medical Education’ and ‘Three-dimensionalEducation Program’ of China.

  There are 202 faculty members, including 140 full-time teachers, in this school. We have a good quality of faculty members, since more than 55% of them own Ph.D. or M.D., and over 20% of teachers have experience of studying or working abroad. In total, there are 78 mentors for master students and 12 supervisors for Ph.D. students. The faculty members with high-level quality include the following: The Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Universities (Eastern Scholar), The ‘Furong Scholar’ Chair Professor of Hunan province, five ‘Hundred Talent Program’ experts in Hunan province,one Research Innovation Teamand five individuals for The HighLevelTalentGatheringProject of Hunan province, one ‘Furong Scholar’ Young Scholar of Hunan province, one Outstanding Young Scholar in Hunan province, one Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, one Hunan Young Excellent Talent, threeindividualsfor “New Century 121 Talent Project” in Hunan province, and three faculty members with special allowances from the State Council of China. In addition, we have six Distinguished Professors and two Chair Professors of “Xiaoxiang Scholars” as well as sixteen faculty members for “Shicheng Talents Program”. Our teachers won the 1stand 2ndprizes of the teaching achievements of colleges and universities in Hunan province, and several teachers have been awarded the 1st, 2nd, and 3rdprizes in the teaching competition of universities in Hunan province.

  The research level of our school has been improved significantly, as evidenced by the fact that our studies on stem cells, drug design targeted by small molecules, medical immunity, the control of bio-vectors, and the mechanisms underlying carcinogenesis has reached the international levels. In the past five years, our faculty members have published more than 100 articles in SCI indexed international and authoritative journals, e.g.,Cell Stem Cell,Nature Chemical Biology,PNAS,Cell Death and Differentiation, andCell Reports. We obtained 32 grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and 69 grants from Hunan province, with a total funding of RMB 36.53 million. Additionally, 14 patents were awarded, and 5 of them have been utilized in translational medicine. We won one 1stprize, two 2ndprizes, two 3rdprizes of provincial level of research award, as well as the 1stprize of medical science and technology. Notably, our Clinical Medicine discipline has been ranked in the ESI(Essential Science Indicators)top 1% among global universities for 7 consecutive years. Our school edits the academic journal, namely the Journal of Hunan Normal University (Medical Edition).

  Our school can offer Ph.D. programs inBasic Medicine(the first level discipline)Physiology(the second level discipline)and Biological Health Statistics(the second level discipline), as well as Master programs in five majors(the first level discipline)includingClinical Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Basic Medicine, and Public Health and Preventive Medicine. We also provide post-doctoral program in Physiology since 2017. We have the key discipline in Basic Medicine of the 12thFive-Year Plan for Hunan province,three key laboratories, namelyHunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Small Molecules-Targeted Drug Research and Creation, Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology, Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory ofAnimal Models and Stem Cell Biology,and a Provincial Research Innovation Team. There are two school-level of Industry-University-Research cooperation bases, one key laboratory and one research center at school levels, and SPF animal facility in this school. An excellent platform for molecular biology, cellular biology and experimental animal models is available in our school. This platform covers an area of 7,300 square meters, and it has a number of large instruments, e.g., confocal microscope, flow cytometer, digital microtomes, and animal living imager, with a total value of more than RMB 76 million.

  Our school has 8 affiliated hospitals with high levels, including the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University (Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital). These affiliated hospitals have excellent faculty members, and 514 of them have senior professional titles. Among them, 12 faculty members were awarded special government allowance from the State Council of China, and three faculty members won the “Famous Physician” in the Guangzhou Military Region. There are national ‘Million Talent Project’ winner, young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contribution from the Ministry of Health of China, two outstanding experts of Hunan province, and six talent engineering experts from Hunan province. We have 11 mentors for Ph.D. students and 72 supervisors for master students.

  Adhering to the motto ‘Be Humane, Caring, Excellent, Industrious’ of our university and the medical & religious tradition ‘Industrious, Integrity, Rigorous, Perseverance’ of our school, we are committed to educate high-quality medical and health professionals who combine the ‘best’ medical skills with the ‘perfect’ medical virtues. At present, there are more than 3,000 undergraduates, 200 master and Ph.D. students, and nearly 300 international students. In recent years, the one-time employment rate of students in our school is over 90%, and the average entrance examination percentages of postgraduates are more than 40%; these students were enrolled the double first-class universities. Recently, the total pass rate of graduates participating in the Practitioners Exam is nearly 80%, which is higher than the national average by nearly 20%. The nursing graduates participated in the Chinese Licensure Examination for Nurse, with a pass rate of 100%, which is double compared to the national average rate. The Clinical Medicine students have participated in the National College Student Clinical Skills Competition four times, and they won the 2ndprize in the national finals and the 1stprize in the Central China Competition three times. Students in Pharmacy won the best prize and the 1stprize of the National Pharmaceutical Professional Skills Competition. In recent years, students have been awarded more than 20 innovation projects from China and Hunan province, two 2ndprizes for national college students ‘Challenge Cup’, two 1stprizes, and two 3rdprizes in ‘Challenge Cup’ of Hunan province. The “Three Rural Project” of our school has been rated as the excellence by our university for many times, and it has become a key team of theYouth League Central Committeeof China and Hunan province.

  Our School follows the national strategy of ‘Healthy China’, and we promote the ‘cooperative development of medicine, education and research’. We emphasize on undergraduate education and develop postgraduate programs, with the aims to further improve the qualities of students and faculty members, discipline development, and scientific research. We manage to make our School of Medicine become the first-class college in Hunan province and a significant medical college in China.


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医科大学网站推荐 天津医科大学临床医学院 南京大学医学院 北京医药集团教育培训中心 西安培华学院医学院 吉林医药学院 清华大学医学院 北京中医药大学东方学院 南京中医药大学 天津医学高等专科学校 承德护理职业学院 河海大学常州分校 石家庄科技信息职业学院 南通大学医学院 湖南师范大学医学院 内蒙古医科大学 邢台医专|邢台医学高等专科学校 复旦大学上海医学院 北京大学医学部 江汉大学医学院 天津中医药大学



